
Easy Hacks to Deal With Chafing During Monsoon

Easy Hacks to Deal With Chafing During Monsoon

Check Out Easy Hacks To Prevent Chafing in Different Parts of Your Body During Monsoon

It’s 2023 (just in case you forgot), and the world is moving, or should we say evolving fast like crazy. It's going to get even crazier with A.I. & everything (does the fiasco around Chat-GPT ring some bells in your head?). So, to cope or keep up with this fast-paced world, you need a hassle-free & friction-free movement. You can’t let those pesky skin irritants like chub rubs slow you down.

These evils hold power (not a magic wand, though) to spoil almost any mundane activity that barely requires effort. Imagine your daily jogging, cycling, walking, sitting, even sleeping, & many more becoming painful, stingy or inflamed due to chafing in your underarms, thighs, chest/breast area, and groin. Monsoon’s moisture and heat in the air make the matter more daunting (hoping there’d be no disagreements).

The unavailability of not enough credible information makes the experience even worse than it is. We’ve decided to end this once and for all and give you simple & easy hacks to deal with chafing in different parts of your body during monsoon.

So, let’s get the ball rolling, shall we?

Preventing Chafing in Inner Thighs & Groin

Skin in Inner thighs & groin is thinner & softer than other parts of the body. They are also home to excessive moisture (the so called sweat). This altogether contributes to fungal and yeast infections which further leads to chafing & rashes. With right set of tips, chafing in inner thighs & groin can be easily prevented:

Avoid wearing cotton underwear

This has to our first tip to deal with chafing in your inner thighs & goin. As you’d already know that cotton effortlessly (laugh all you want but its true!) absorbs moisture containing bacteria & dirt. This inevitably leads to rashes & chafing in the groin & inner thighs.

So, it’s best you avoid wearing cotton underwear altogether. Instead, wear underwear made from synthetic fabrics, such as nylon or polyester.

Take breaks if you are sweat a lot

Moving on to the next tip to deal with chafing in your inner thighs & goin. If you’re someone who likes to go hard & long at workouts, we’d suggest that you take breaks every few minutes to cool down and dry off your skin. You can create a schedule as per your own discretion & timings, or ask someone else.

Apply a moisturiser from time to time

Proper nourishment & moisture is necessary for your skin as it protects the skin from getting dry and irritated. More dryness and friction can further damage your skin.

Wear loose-fitting clothing

This chafing prevention tip is quite ubiquitous, it’s also true & helps a lot. Breathable & snugly clothes ensure proper air flow, thus reducing chub rubs-causing friction. You can go all out on your fashion spirit and experiment with long shirts, kurtas and jeans.

Additional tips to deal with chafing in your inner thighs & groin:

  • To reduce pressure on your thighs & groin, try not to wear high or pointy shoes.
  • If you have diabetes, you’re more likely to have itching & burning sensation. So create a definite skincare routine that ensures roundabout nourishment of your skin while keeping the skin dry & free of chafing.
  • If you’re struggling with prior skin concerns, such as eczema or psoriasis, consulting your doctor about how to prevent chafing.

Preventing Armpit Chafing

Just like the skin in inner thighs & groin, your armpits also prone to sweat, friction and dryness. This leads to increased rashes & chafing in the armpits. Here’s how it to deal with chafing in your armpit:

Sport a vest/bra that is snugly

Under this segment the first tip to deal with armpit chafing begins with a bang! Just kidding. In a bit to lead the active lifestyle you’re in a habit of sporting a vest or bra that lets you be on-the-move. But sometimes that vest or bra can be too tight thus suffocating the skin around armpits.

This can lead to chafing, especially if you sweat a lot. So, you must ensure to pick a bra or vest with breathable & stretchable fabric and that fits snugly.

Exfoliate your armpits regularly

Alright now moving to our second tip to deal with armpit chafing. Frequently exfoliating your armpits removes dead skin cells and bacteria around the your armpits.

Also read: Must-Have Skincare Essentials in Your Backpack

So, to prevent chafing you must use a gentle scrub or a loofah to exfoliate your armpits. This becomes even more important if you’re prone to excessive sweating.

Wash your armpits with soap and water after sweating

Whether its intense workout, cycling, jogging, or juggling through the professional rigmarole, they all make you sweat like anything. The presence of excess sweat irritates your skin and make it prone to chafing.

So to prevent armpit chafing, consistently wash your armpits with soap and water after sweating to remove any sweat and bacteria.

Let your armpits air out

That simply means catch a break every once in a while! (Not even kidding) After physically intensive activity loosen your clothes and let your armpits air out for a few minutes. This will remove unwanted moisture, thus reducing excessive friction.

Additional tips to deal with armpit chafing:
  • Apply a cold compress to the area. A cold compress can help to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Apply a topical creams (as it’s called an ointment), such as hydrocortisone cream. A topical ointment can help to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing that will not rub against the chafed area. This will help to prevent further irritation.

Now it’s the Time to Create Your Robust & Active Skincare

We hope that these simple hacks to deal with chafing will help you tackle the haunting issues related to chub rubs, chafing, & fungal infections. With trial & error you can be more attentive to what your body needs. Yes, that’s the trick (works everytime!).